Not biking the Iceman: Why taking a break got me going again

  I didn’t ride the Iceman this year. Or last year. In fact, I swore I was retiring from my so-called secret-weapon training. Ask all my friends, I was adamant that I needed to quit racing altogether. I made them promise to not let me do it. It was no fun anymore, it took up […]

No Cookie! (Life with a puppy)

This new puppy has been really good for my diet. What’s better for changing one’s mindset than walking around yelling, “No Cookie!” about two dozen times a day. It’s true, I’ve lost three pounds since bringing this pooch home. The boys begged for a year. I really had no intention of getting a dog and […]

Review: The Husband’s Secret

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty My rating: 5 of 5 stars Read the hardcover of this book – what a beautiful cover. I was surprised with the depth and intricacy of the plot lines, impressive. I would have liked her to go deeper into the emotional impact of the many characters/twists/turns but by NOT […]

Money Man: How to find inspiration for a race

It’s our health issue and my sister and I both like to work out (bike or hike or run or walk). Nothing too crazy although we sometimes teeter on the brink of obsession — inspired by “incidents” along the way. Mud, Sweat and Beers 2010, complete with jammies. Here’s an example:In our first mountain bike […]

The Night Hike – The Perfect Scary Summer Party Idea

Welcome to the entrance of The Night Hike. We had an end-of-school party. We figured a few families would show up, a few drinks would be consumed, the children would scale a tree or two, someone would cry, and a child would need a Band-Aid before it was over. All of these things happened and […]