GTWoman: 10 years & 60 issues in business

19 of the GTKids! This issue marks the 10th birthday of Grand Traverse Woman Magazine! Our first issue was Aug-Sept 2003. My sister Kerry and I like to look back fondly on that issue as “the era we didn’t know squat.” We were just getting by back then, trying things and hoping and guessing. (We […]

A parakeet. Oh yes we did.

About a week ago, we caved. Nelson had been begging for a parakeet for over a year. Then came the fateful night at a new (former) friend’s house when the kids ran off to play. Nobody move. It was a new home for them, for all of us. I let my guard down and didn’t […]

Delivery man? Hide.

In honor of Mother’s Day, we’d like to share one of our favorite traditions with our mom: hiding from the Watkins man. Every Tuesday, the Watkins man pulled in with his old brown car. And every Tuesday, we had to decide if we would hide. Mom loved the spices and balms, but we all bristled […]

Margaritas & Sweatpants

There’s the unknown when you’re invited to a friend’s house for the first time. Just come for a strawberry margarita, she says. It’s 40 degrees in late April. There’s still snow on the deck. And she is standing in her kitchen making fruity cocktails.  I’m going and no one can stop me.  I decide this […]

Spring Break Trip & The Caravan

Spring is not in the air. However, it’s on our minds. It’s almost time for our annual spring break trip to Gulf Shores. For six years we’ve made the trip south with sisters, kids and dad in tow. And the caravan there has taught us a thing or two about business. Three cars all traveling […]