My boys now have iPods. I held them off as long as I could. Then Grandma and Christmas coincided in a glorious gifting in December and our world was forever changed. First problem: I had to create a fake identity for each child on each iPod so they could open an iTunes account. There are […]
Author: Kandace Chapple
My $1,500 cat

We now have a gold-plated cat. The 66-cent eagle (give or take $1500). The problem began when Happy, our 4-year-old kitty, started puking. I didn’t panic. Cat puke and carpet cleaner is standard issue around here. But on Day 4, she didn’t come out to have her morning milk. I knew this to be her […]
How many Lego pieces can you handle?

The Lego Mania starts something like this: You stumble over a Lego box the size of a small car in your living room two weeks after Christmas. 1,490 pieces of complicated machinery.Oh, and some Legos. “Are you ever going to start this?” you screech. This is your first mistake. Prepare for dinner on your lap […]
New Year’s Resolution: Starting over & your diet
It’s no small feat to start over. But we’ve all done it a million times. For example, we’ve all started our diet over a million times. Starting over is a beautiful, exciting thing. You can taste it, feel it, envision it. You imagine the victory at hand. The anticipation and daydreaming is as good as […]
It’s a wrap: Christmas wrapping
Our dad once estimated that our mother purchased 250 gifts at Christmas. This was for us three girls with a few aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends thrown in (who were lucky to net one each). We think he was a little shy of the actual number. While we can see our father’s point that this […]