Beard or no beard?

Day 5. Sick of me documenting the Beard. Beard or no beard? For 17 years, it’s been no beard for my husband. Then, my brother-in-law James threw down the gauntlet. He plays hockey and his team decided they wouldn’t shave until they lost in the tournaments. A novel idea, no? So I looked at Tim […]

Gardening with kids

Best flower. Ever. In celebration of spring… here’s a little piece on trying to garden with children that I wrote back when the kids were smaller and drove me madder…. The only way to get any gardening done is to do so under the guise of a game. This is a fine line. Be careful […]

Gulf Shores family trip

Editor’s note: Many of you are suspicious that I am “Lainey.” So, confession: While some parts are fiction (if my dad is reading this, this passage is complete fiction), most of it is me, the me that misses my mom, loves to bike and to cuddle my kiddos. It’s a book that I hope talks […]

Crazy for eagles

Eagles have become quite a part of our household. Nelson loves them. It all started with the live eagle cam broadcast from Decorah, Iowa. Nelson’s teacher pulled up the live cam several times in class last year. The children got to watch three eagles born and fledged. Amazing. Free, no charge, priceless experience. However, it’s […]

Watching the clock at work

Careers are a lot like sports. Both involve training, sweat equity and “most improved” players. And after our many miles of biking and running, we’ve come to realize that all we need to know for our careers, we’ve learned from our Garmin. These sports watches analyze your every step, whether you like it or not. […]