Form a line, folks. My sons are 7 and 9, and I’ve finally given up cutting my sons’ hair. There’s a small indication that this has been 7 to 9 years too long in coming. I thought they were simple men, and in fact, one of them still is. The 7-year-old is fine with whatever […]
Author: Kandace Chapple
Happy the Cat Goes Camping ~ a story

There’s a lot of things I like about this picture. A) It reminds me that spring will come again. Look at that green grass, I could eat it about now. B) The handle of the Nerf Gun sticking out of the backpack. Did he take that to school? Because that’s a one-year expulsion, dude, no […]
Boys In Business

The boys have set up shop in the living room. It began in one corner with Nelson opening The Pokémon Shop. He sat in a Cracker Barrel rocking chair from Grandma Judy, behind a bench I bought from an elementary school craft show, wearing a $2 baseball cap from Target. He is wearing an old […]
Mopping the floor. For once.

There was a little throwdown at Popcorn Friday at the elementary school last week. With five moms and one dad huddled around a popcorn maker and 400 brown bags of popped kernels, the subject of housecleaning came up. One mom pointed out that another — the brunette holding a shaker of “Ranch” flavoring in her […]
Book Excerpt: The Forgotten Present
Here’s another scene for my book (maybe!). This is true and so true about my mother! I love thinking back to all the birthday gifts she gave us when we got older. The older we got, the funnier it got. My dad once estimated there were “at least 250” gifts under the Christmas tree. Birthdays […]