My training this year is better than any other. It’s because I’ve found the perfect training weapon: A nemesis. It all started a month before last year’s Iceman when I met and rode a few times with a guy we’ll call “Jake.” Sure, I liked him well enough when we met. We were about the […]
The bike ride from hell (a.k.a. Log Jumping)
So. The invite came in from the boys to go biking. Last fall I was all about running around with the boys. I was at the peak of my biking fitness (a.k.a. when I’m least addicted to peanut butter bars) and willing to chase them through the woods. Yesterday, however, was a different story. I […]
Overkill in one sport? The power of cross training
For the last few years I’ve biked nearly every day of the summer. But my progress has ground to a halt. Each summer it happens because a) I get comfortable doing the same routine, b) I like comfortable and I like routine, and c) my body grows accustomed to my biking and therefore is unimpressed […]