What’s not to love about working and being a mom? There are lots of perks like overgrown shapeless hair from non-appointments at the salon, kitchen floors that look fine until you cross them barefoot at 2 a.m. to visit a wailing child and return to your bed with enough crumbs on your feet to build […]
GTW Editorial: Forced Acquisitions
So it came to be, that I finally couldn’t make do with my layout software any longer. The pressure was too great, my casual but constant requests for others to “save down” too much for any woman to bear. And as dominoes are known to do, it turned into the Month of Upgrades. First it […]
My sister and I have come up with a few text acronyms of our own lately. Here, we offer a twist on the old (new) favs: ARA: Accidentally Reply All. This is when an email has come in cc’d to about a million people, and we find the nerve to reply to the original message […]
Save it for the fall Moms!
“Save it for the fall” has become our mantra around here. My sister’s two children and my two children, all four of them, will be in school this fall. For the first time in our lives, we will have the house to ourselves to work on GTWoman Magazine. While we admit this is a bittersweet […]
Mom Skillz

Pictured here is Kandy’s favorite photo. Look closely. What is Kerry doing? Remedying a problem. Where is she at? In her car, parked as far away from the entrance to a GTWoman luncheon as she can manage without entering traffic. What should she be doing? Not smiling for a photo. Most notable is the iPhone […]