Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from my work-in-progress — a novel about losing my mom and finding her again, leaving home and going back and about childhood. The parts like this, about my lovable swearing father, made me laugh when I wrote them and repeat them to my friends as long as they would […]
Baby boy in NICU

Here’s an excerpt from my book, based on when our son Kendall was in NICU. (The first part of the story is here in a previous blog post.) Such a hard time and I’m sure many moms can relate. The best part was this though… They admitted the baby for seven days. They released Lainey […]
Gulf Shores family trip
Editor’s note: Many of you are suspicious that I am “Lainey.” So, confession: While some parts are fiction (if my dad is reading this, this passage is complete fiction), most of it is me, the me that misses my mom, loves to bike and to cuddle my kiddos. It’s a book that I hope talks […]
Book Excerpt: The Forgotten Present
Here’s another scene for my book (maybe!). This is true and so true about my mother! I love thinking back to all the birthday gifts she gave us when we got older. The older we got, the funnier it got. My dad once estimated there were “at least 250” gifts under the Christmas tree. Birthdays […]
Mom’s Handwriting

I just had my friend Barb mail me a Christmas card my mother sent her years ago. It’s a TREASURE! If you have an old card or letter my mom sent you and would like to pass it back to me, I would treasure it. Please let me know. Seeing her handwriting and her thoughts […]