I heard Colleen Wares on WTCM Newstalk 580 talking about Pokémon Go on the radio a week or so after it came out. She was looking for answers. I had answers. In the form of my 13-year-old son, named Kendall. I emailed her. I was going on the next day for GTWoman, but did she […]
middle school
Jigsaw puzzles – Let’s Jig!

Jigsaw puzzles. What’s not to love? A favorite at preschools and nursing homes. And one of the few ways to gather a family of four around a card table without any battles, scoring, tears, game-piece assaults or flat-out accusations. Usually. Every year I try to pass on my love for “jigging” to the children. It […]
Basketball skills in middle school

My son, Kendall, played his first basketball tournament last Saturday. It was thrilling, crushing, exciting and exhausting. And he’s only in 6th grade. And I’m talking about me. It’s my first year of school events where they actually keep score. And it was a tiny sweat-filled drama that stretched out the length of a Saturday. […]
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