I’ve started running, something I swore I’d never do. Why? I like the way I feel when I roar back into the house in the morning with the taste of sweat in my mouth, my tank sticking to my back, grit on my face and a blue bandana flopping on my head. And that it’s […]
Motherhood: Four wheeler love
The four-wheeler is like a fifth member of the family around here. We ride it almost every day, the earth holding us up lap after lap as we wear trails in the field and through the trees. Riding the four-wheeler is one of the few things the boys and I can agree upon. They seem […]
Working Moms
What’s not to love about working and being a mom? There are lots of perks like overgrown shapeless hair from non-appointments at the salon, kitchen floors that look fine until you cross them barefoot at 2 a.m. to visit a wailing child and return to your bed with enough crumbs on your feet to build […]
Mom’s Lasagna Recipe

My mom’s lasagna recipe is the best! Here it is for those who might like to try this simple recipe – it takes about 30 mins to prep, 1 hr to cook. My modifications are – I don’t use the blender, I use a whisk. And I don’t let the meat sauce simmer for 30 […]