We ONCE SPENT an entire Thanksgiving Day convincing our cousin Derk to say “sh!t” during grace at the meal. Xmas 1977, sisters KERRY, LORI & KANDY What could be more deplorable than cussing during grace? Nothing, so we set about the task. Derk was five years younger than us, prone to cussing anyway and so […]
Reject a Hit: Runny Babbit

I’m so excited to have another piece published in Writer’s Digest this month! It’s their back of the book column named “Reject a Hit” where they ask you to spoof-reject a famous book. This was a fun one to write. I spoof-rejected Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook by Shel Silverstein. My husband Tim suggested it […]
AuSable Marathon – HUP all night

It’s July… time for a canoe marathon! Here’s a piece I wrote for Traverse Magazine a few years ago about the AuSable Marathon – I love how the year we did this, the very first stop involved a major repair and fire. The story wrote itself! Here it is: I hope you enjoy! AuSable Marathon […]
Review: The Husband’s Secret

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty My rating: 5 of 5 stars Read the hardcover of this book – what a beautiful cover. I was surprised with the depth and intricacy of the plot lines, impressive. I would have liked her to go deeper into the emotional impact of the many characters/twists/turns but by NOT […]
The beginning of school: Sanity returns
Here’s our editorial from GTWoman’s Sept/Oct issue… now that the kids have been in school several weeks, it turns out we’re psychic because this stuff is all happening. The summer was one for the books. Lots of hot sun, wild kids and laughter long after bedtime. It’s not to say we didn’t love it, but […]