My sister and I have a competition over whose cat is the fattest. It seems just right to reveal this just in time for our GTWoman Health issue. It was an accidental kind of competition. One day my sister Kerry mentioned that her cat was fat. I scoffed. Kerry’s cat, CoCo, wasn’t even on the […]
weight loss
10-Day Smoothie Cleanse, plus a bag of Whoppers

I decided to do the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. It involved blending spinach and kale and fruit. I felt confident I could trick my taste buds into consuming what my dad calls “rabbit food.” I could do this. For 10 days. And eat nothing else. For 10 days. I recruited a friend to do it […]
A new beginning: The spark!
For those of you who are embarking on a new, healthy beginning, be it getting (or finally using) a gym membership, starting to run or eating better, consider this… All new beginnings start with a spark. For example, polishing off a bag of mini Milky Ways always generates a decent spark. With the pile of […]